Anime Pacific Remastered: Episode 0

Download Episode Zero, here.
Anime Pacific was a podcast that began in 2006, during the nascent era of podcasting. Unlike today's polished landscape, the podcast sphere was then almost entirely amateur-driven. How times have changed.

For the next eight years, Anime Pacific enjoyed a dedicated following; I like to call it the first "mid-tier" Anime podcast. This was despite what are, in retrospect, some truly exasperating audio issues. Equally frustrating were the audio filters and edits, added for comedic effect. With all that said, this podcast does serve as a time capsule of Anime fandom in the mid 2000's up until 2014.
Ever the archivist at heart, the Anime Pacific Remastering Project aims to fix all these glaring issues for posterity. We do not expect this to create a new generation of fans; it is merely a humble time capsule of simpler times yet made more palatable for the expectations of listeners in 2024.

This episode, titled episode zero, is entirely new and serves to explain our reasoning behind creating Anime Pacific Remastered.

The Anime Pacific Remastering Project includes the following:
Improved Audio: I cannot begin to tell you how bad the original audio was, especially in the earliest episodes.
New Music: The same stock background audio coupled with some flagrant copyright violation, might have been ok in 2006, but seems amateur with a contemporary mindset.

Occasional retrospectives: We may chime in on certain episodes with a retrospective based on what was discussed.
Excising "Dead Air": This has resulted in some episodes being literally 25% shorter, just trimming the dead air and long pauses. This is probably the single most important change.

What the Remastering Project does NOT do:
Self-Censorship: We were both in our mid 20's at the time; now we are in our (eek!) mid/late 40's. What we may have said, done, or thought 20 years ago is not necessarily what we may say, do or think now. At the same time, this serves as a time-capsule of not only the mid 2000's, but also of ourselves in our 20's. It can be delightful to look back, but it can also be difficult, uncomfortable and (at times) shocking. With all that in mind, this is not an attempt to "re-write history" via censoring things that were said at that time. In a nutshell: What was said twenty years ago, no matter the topic, is not necessarily representative of who we are now.

Some old habits die hard; this post is already woefully loquacious. It's simple, turn your brain back twenty years, and, we hope, enjoy.


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